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1. Brinner, William M., "Dār al-Saʿāda and Dār al-ʿAdl in Mamluk Damascus." In Studies in Memory of Gaston Wiet. Edited by Rosen-Ayalon, Myriam. 235-247. Jerusalem: Institute of Asian and African Studies, 1977.
Notes: Review see Biesterfeldt; Gaube; Holt; Humphreys; Little; Wickens.
Subjects: Administration/Places--Damascus
2. Brinner, William M., "Ḥarfūsh." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 206. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1971.
Subjects: Social relations
3. Brinner, William M., "Ibn Ghurāb, Saʿd al-Dīn Ibrāhīm b. ʿAbd al-Razzāḳ." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 773-774. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1971.
Subjects: Administration/Individuals--Ibn Ghurab
4. Brinner, William M., "Ibn Ḥabīb, Badr al-Dīn Abū Muḥammad al-Ḥasan b. ʿUmar al-Dimashḳī al-Ḥalabī al-Shāfiʿī." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 775. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1971.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Habib/Scholarship
5. Brinner, William M., "Ibn Iyās (also written Ayās), Abu'l-Barakāt Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, Zayn (Shihāb) al-Dīn al-Nāṣirī al-Djarkasī al-Ḥanafī." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 812-813. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1971.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Iyas
6. Brinner, William M., "Ibn Sadīd, also known as Ibn al-Muzawwiḳ, Fakhr al-Dīn Mādjid b. Abi'l-Faḍāʾil b. Sanā'l-Mulūk." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 923. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1971.
Subjects: Administration/Individuals--Ibn Sadid, Fakhr al-Din
7. Brinner, William M., "Ibn Sadīd, Karīm al-Dīn Abu'l-Faḍāʾil Akram b. Hibat Allāh, al-Ḳibṭī al-Miṣrī." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 923-924. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1971.
Subjects: Administration/Individuals--Ibn Sadid, Karim al-Din
8. Brinner, William M., "Ibn Ṣaṣrā." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 930-931. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1971.
Subjects: Administration/Individuals--Ibn Sasra/Scholarship
9. Brinner, William M., "Ibn Ṭūlūn, Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad b. ʿAlī b. Aḥmad, al-Ṣāliḥī, al-Dimashḳī, al-Ḥanafī." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 957-958. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1971.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Tulun/Scholarship
10. Brinner, William M., "Isrāʾīliyyāt." In Encyclopedia of Arabic Literature. Edited by Scott Meisami, Julie//Starkey, Paul. 400-401. London and New York: Routledge, 1998.
Notes: Review see Abu-Haidar; Homerin.
Subjects: Historiography/Religion
11. Brinner, William M.. "The Banū Ṣaṣrā: A Study in the Transmission of a Scholarly Tradition." Arabica 7, (1960): 167-195.
Notes: Review see Cottart.
Subjects: Scholarship/Social relations
12. Brinner, William M.. "The Murder of Ibn an-Našū: Social Tensions in Fourteenth-Century Damascus." Journal of the American Oriental Society 77, (1957): 207-210.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Nashu/Places--Damascus
13. Brinner, William M.. "The Significance of the Ḥarāfīsh and Their 'Sultan'." Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 6, (1963): 190-215.
Subjects: Social relations
14. Brinner, William M.. "Some Ayyūbid and Mamlūk Documents from Non-Archival Sources." Israel Oriental Studies 2, (1972): 117-143.
Notes: In memoriam Samuel Miklós Stern (1920-1969)
Subjects: Historiography
15. Brinner, William M.. "The Struggle for Power in the Mamlūk State: Some Reflections on the Transition from Baḥrī to Burjī Rule." In Proceedings of the 26th International Congress of Orientalists, 231-234. New Delhi, 4-10 January 1964. New Delhi: Organising Committee, 26th International Congress of Orientalists, 1970.
Subjects: Politics/Social relations
16. Brinner, William M.. Review of Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūṭī, by Elizabeth M. Sartain. Journal of the American Oriental Society 100, (1980): 135-136.
Subjects: Scholarship/Individuals--Suyuti
17. Brinner, William M.. Review of Le traité arabe Muḳaddima d'Abou-l-Lait as-Samarḳandī en version mamelouk-kiptchak (Ms. Istanbul, Aya Sofya 1451), by Ananiasz Zajaczkowski. Journal of the American Oriental Society 85, (1965): 418-419.
Subjects: Individuals--Qansuh al-Ghawri/Literature/Scholarship



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